Страна Чудес

Because of the miracle of the internet, I'm able to keep a regularly updated personal periodical with no real motive, topic, meaningful knowledge base, or distinctive subject matter. And you just stepped right in it and now it's all over your nice clean shoes.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Guest poster on Strana Chudyes!

Hey, folks. Got two new things up, but they're not mine. Since I'm too incompetent and distractable to maintain a page like this by myself, I've secured a guest, or interim, or substitute to post during the long, fallow periods during which I couldn't care less.

Enter: my good friend from VT, Frederick T. Fowyer.

I've already posted his first two for your viewing, like I said, but soon enough I'll get him set up with his own account so that he can take it away himself. Meanwhile, any words for the nice folks, Frederick?

I think my posts speak for themselves.

You're a man of few words.

Not really.

P.S. I don't look like that.


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